Monday, October 21, 2013

Geimastu Legend 10/21/13 -- The First Day

Well, the one thing about this project is that, so far, I haven't actually told the rest of my team that I'm doing it. Well, the part that remains. Neither of course do I have any intention on it since, if this project fails, might as well have some auxiliary. Right? Right!?


So the current area that I'm learning in Javascript is functions. For HTML/CSS/JQuery I pretty much brushed by with little to know problems, but this is the first time I've had to actually read things and do them over and over again. Like real coding.

Something tells me I'm going to HATE real coding. Oh well.

I feel kind of cheated in the way that I feel like I've learned practically nothing from using functions. They sure seem useful, but the whole idea seems like some convoluted mess to me, probably mostly because I'm both tired and frustrated.

Also, what the fuck does return even DO? I've been going through this section of it today and have no idea why it even has any importance. Then again that's probably just because I don't read. From my great analysis skills though, it looks like it does the same exact thing as console.log only just in functions.

Ingenuity, ladies and gentlemen.


For art, I decided just to "assess" what I already know before I proceeded to find some tutorials. To do this, I recreated myself in full glory.

Holy. Shit.
Okay, TO BE FAIR to my artist self, this is probably the best drawing I've made in YEARS. This, this is a high point.

Utilizing the incredible skillful techniques of line-drawing and correct oval eyes, I was able to make this master piece. Looks like Ringo Starr has some competition.

But seriously I REALLY need to get on some tutorials.

Game Design:

Well, like I said in my starting post, this is pretty much the only thing I'm good at, so....


My obvious initial first step for music was to find something that was actually able to create music. The only problem is, I don't know any. Why, is that, you ask? Oh yeah, I'm MUSICALLY INCOMPETENT.

But then, like a lightning bolt to my chest (how about you add that shit to writing/game design), I found the answer swiftly and incredibly painfully.

It was perfect, and made to be 8-bit. I couldn't start on Synthesia or whatever the fuck its called because I don't know piano, and I couldn't do Garageband because I actually have a good computer, thank you very much.

So with a flick of the finger I clicked the virus/spyware software and started composing the mario way.

What came out was the most masterful first attempt at making music ever witnessed by no one, mostly because there's no way to actually upload your work. I might find it later, but for now I've got shit to do.

Toodaloo, bitches.


Twitter: @CodexofAegis

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