Tuesday, September 24, 2013

New Reviewing System

We're on a roll! This is like, what, the FOURTH day in a row we've actually had content? This has to be a major first.

Anyway it turns out that the PronounciationBook video was really just disappointing and didn't actually symbolize the forecoming of World War III (who knew?) So instead I'm going to crank out my alternate story for today:

I know I've only reviewed one game (on this blog). I put stress on (on this blog) because if you look far enough you're bound to find many more reviews I've done (see ImYourGamer and, oh hey, AstukaGaming Reviews). Most of them have gone on an average"1-10" score, but while trying to figure out a good, real list for my top 25 games I stumbled upon something that could work.

A game is rated by four essential categories: Gameplay, Story, Art, and Music. These are EACH rated from 1-10, adding up to a total of 40 points. Games get bonus points if they have a lot of immersion (+5) or easter eggs (+3). Overall, that adds up to 48 total points.

What it leads to is a hard but helpful rating system that genuinely helps people figure out if games are good. Before I get into some of the games I "test rated", here is what each of the percentages mean:

100%-90%: Legendary, and one of the very best games ever made. Few can obtain this award, but if they do, then they likely deserve it.
89%-80%: Above average. A great game with some incredible characteristics. Definitely worth playing.
79%-70%: Average. Not good, not bad, this game is in the middle of the road and can probably still be considered good by people who enjoy the genre.
69%-60%: Worse than average, but still okay. We highly recommend this game only to enthusiasts of the genre itself.
59% and below: The Scrapyard. Some might find enjoyment in it (maybe even we did), but in the end the game would probably end up being lame to most.

KEEPING IN MIND these percentages, let's check out some of my all-time favorite games that I rated. Some I found to end up having a lower score than I expected (and some with a higher score), but in the end I realized that it made sense).

Kingdom Hearts - 40/48 (81%)
Final Fantasy VI -37/48 (77%)
Final Fantasy VII: 36/48 (75%)
Morrowind - 43/48 (83%)
Uncharted 2 - 44/48 (91%)
Those five are my top five games of ALL TIME. I guess it's not biased after all...

Here are some more of my favorite games I rated:
Metal Gear Solid 3 - 44/48 (91%)
The Last of Us - 42/48 (87%)
GTA V - 47/48 (97%)
Saints Row the Third - 34/48 (70%)
Half Life 2 - 41/48 (85%)

Anyway, in the future I'll probably rate more games that I own using this fashion, but for now I'm going to go ahead and play more GTA V.


Twitter: @CodexofAegis
Facebook: facebook.com/CodexofAegis 

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