Saturday, October 11, 2014

Patch Notes 10/11/14 + New Info on Extra Life 2014!

Hello, my friends!  It's been almost a year in which Astuka's Blog has been in existence (actually probably longer) and we're just about to hit 10k views! Internet stardom, here we come!

If you're a long-time regular, you probably remember something about an Extra Life 2013. Well we plan on doing it again, only this time, with a bit of a twist!

And that twist consists of me being too lazy to ask people individually if they want to join, so we might as well use this time to excersive (excersive? exercise? fuck its early) the social media muscle!

First, on this week's AstukaGaming podcast, I'll be spurting on about the details of what I mean, as well as some more general info. Then, after that, I'll be posting on all of my virtual internet soapboxes (including this one!) the details of what it takes to both watch and join! And I really hope you do come, because... uh... we only have 3 people right now. But also because you'll be helping childrens hospitals! If you donate. Jesus, I need to not write like right after I woke up.

In other important news however, I have this week's Patch Notes!

  • A new, more understandable logo for Codex of Aegis is near finishing construction, and should be on the site soon.
  • Newsletter? What?
  • I'll be setting up, not posting, but setting up my new youtube channel come eventually. Take in mind that AstukaGaming Podcast will always be posted on AstukaGaming. 
  • Stencyl and Unity games are being worked on, but at a snail's pace. Like I've said before, I'd rather take these as practice than to just release them because I can't guarantee their quality yet unlike my writing.
  • I'm pretty sure I've never mentioned almost all of the above things. This is also a horrible example of my writing.
  • General CoA updates (formatting, tagging, etc.)
Well, that's all for now. I hope y


Twitter: @CodexofAegis

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