Sunday, October 26, 2014

Extra-Life 2014 Round-up

Our second annual Extra-Life stream is now over, and although our numbers are small I'm honestly proud of them enough speaking that the stream itself was pretty close just to not happening, unadvertised, and kind of just thrown together at the last minute. Before I start my real review, let's give ourselves some stats on the Astuka Extra-life 2014:

  • We donated exactly $1, tying ourselves for last year. Hey, we aren't big time!
  • We gained 1 follower and 34 views, with a highest concurrent viewer count of 7.
  • We streamed for 10 hours, with only 1 stream hiccup in between.
  • We played 3 games: Roblox, DotA 2, and Lego Minifigures Online (kek)
  • We had 9 people come on in total, excluding myself.

It was interesting in the way that the stream went practically the complete opposite of what it was supposed to be. Like I said before, the stream wasn't going to be the whole 24 hours, but I wanted to go from morning to night. The only problem with this was that the day before the stream I was informed that I had to go to a party in the literal middle of the schedule, and so that brought down my enthusiasm by a lot. Another plan was to make up for the lost time by also streaming on Sunday, but by the end we decided just to wing it and do it all on one day.

Funnily enough, the 3 people who were said to have been confirmed for the show weren't even on it in the first place, due to one reason or another. Instead, the stream consisted of a ton of people who at the beginning only had the faintest clue what was happening but stayed through the very end regardless. There was some people who wanted to get in but never did, and I apologize to them. 

For next year: we'll probably do it about the same way. I feel like at this point in my life I don't have enough free time needed to go out and organize something crazy like last year. I'll probably try to prepare some viewers, mostly as an attempt to remind myself, but beyond that I think winging it is the perfect strategy for something like this. I still like streaming, and I like doing the themed events such as Extra-Life or Week of Streams or Halloween of Spooks. But as for making it a big deal, it's probably impossible by this point. I'm also behind on a lot of posts because of this, so I should probably get to work on that.

They'll be no podcast this week, but expect a lot of extra-life highlights coming soon to the channel. I'll try to get a story up on Codex of Aegis on time, Also, expect another blogpost later in the day, this time about pseudo-philosophy. Probably.


Twitter: @CodexofAegis

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