Wednesday, March 25, 2015

On Equality, Part 1

Modern society seems to be focused on one system: the creation of seemingly perfect equality, whether it be social, racial, sex, or sexuality. The endeavor is noble; and perhaps one day, though it may be well after our lives are over, we will be able to achieve this equality. However, the creation of this perfect society is threatened, and it is threatened by some of the same people who dare say they wish to have this great system.

Making this claim is controversial, but rarely anything that is an important statement isn’t. Therefore, I’m not going to bother preparing for whatever opinions you may have, and instead trust in your own reason and understanding to see truth, or at least understand, what I am saying. Many of these faults come from our own nature as human beings, and so many will try to avoid it. However, no one gets anywhere trying to hide from their mistakes.

Feminism is defined as the belief that both male and female should be on an equal level; though in recent times it has come to include equality between different sexualities as well. The movement has been on a swift rise recently -- but with all popular ideas, there comes both positive and negative versions of it.

Radical Feminism is a new type of feminism. It is not based around traditional beliefs of equality, but rather a minority -- a very vocal minority -- who believe only in their own advancement. The movement does not serve any particular gender, but rather only people who follow it. Recently, this new movement has stirred an incredible amount of trouble in the entertainment medium; I intend to explain exactly how and why this happened, as well as how to stop it.

As feminism has become popular, it has lead to another, perhaps more innocent incident -- the sudden shoving of diversity into the face of the masses. More and more companies, movies, games, et cetera, have tried to push their brand as being more progressive than the other. This is quite a silly ordeal, and in some ways even leads to a bit of irony, as some companies and universities have become prone to choosing more diverse applicants than “normal” ones.

However, as radical feminism continues (which, as has been mentioned, is a very vocal minority), it continues to push these poor practices, and in turn, people who are acquainted with radical feminism tend to begin to confuse the rise of feminism as actually being the rise of radical feminism, and so the two conflict. The actual feminist side, seeing this conflict, finds it unreasonable -- and then they begin to confuse radical feminism as true feminism, and the cycle continues. In case you couldn’t tell, that is very bad.

The main reason something like this happens in the first place is the result of a problem called the “Google Dilemma”. Say we have 4 applicants, and two are “diverse” (which is group one), why the other two are not (group two). What counts as diverse or undiverse, I honestly have lost track by this point.

Anyway, the company/university has been claimed to favor one population more than anything else, though whether this is true or not is debatable depending on the place. The people who commonly push this are the radical feminists, but as this now normally transpires through the internet, it becomes very hard to tell what is a small group of loud people and what is an actually large protest. In turn, the company/university is forced to make a decision.

Now, case one is that the group one applicants are indeed better than the others from group two,  and in that case the answer is simple: you would obviously choose the group one applicants because they are better and it would look favorably on you. However, the dilemma is in case 2, in which group two is better than group one. If you choose group two, then people will continued to be riled up about your choice, however if you choose group one, then you are choosing the group with less experience, denying the group that does have it. That, and group two could probably figure out that that is what happened.

The main question is this, however: will this ever amount to anything serious? Likely not -- of course, though there are people who suffer from the “diverse selection”, they will still end up easily finding a place in another company or university. It is hard to imagine a world where those who are white, male, or heterosexual become oppressed (much to the distaste of radical feminists), and in the end diversity will begin to become a norm, stopping the need for the push or the dilemma, and therefore ending the cycle. This will likely be the final result.


Twitter: @CodexofAegis

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